June 15, 2024 | 4-6 p.m.
The Art Gallery will be closed Wednesday, June 19, for the Juneteenth Holiday.
exhibit description
This juried exhibition features the current work of the finest national and international contemporary quilt artists. Art quilts accepted for exhibition will exemplify innovation in quilting and surface design techniques as well as excellence in artistic composition and craftsmanship. The goal of the exhibition is to recognize the world’s finest contemporary quilt artists and to advance the art form. A catalog will be produced to feature the exhibition.
Details of included quilts by Margaret Abramshe (left), Juli Smith (center), and Bobbi Baugh (right) are shown here.
Click here to view the virtual exhibition.
Exhibition Jurors: Vicki Carlson, Valerie Maser-Flanagan, Lea McComas
Awards Judge: Lea McComas
Vicki Carlson is a studio art quilter and fabric designer residing in Fort Collins, Colorado. Working with her hand dyed and hand painted fabrics along with other surface design techniques, she creates predominantly abstract quilts. Influenced by her traditional roots, her emphasis is on finding rhythm and unity through color and line. Her work has been juried into numerous regional and national exhibits and can be found in quilting publications as well as public and private collections.
Valerie Maser-Flanagan uses hand-dyed fabric to design abstract sewn constructions. Her work is influenced by both the rural Massachusetts setting where she currently resides, her exposure to urban structures from working in Boston for thirty years, and her attraction to ethnic design. Valerie has exhibited throughout the United States and received numerous awards for her work. Her work has been purchased by the Chandler Arts Council in Arizona, Visions Art Museum, San Diego, The International Quilt Museum, Lincoln, Nebraska, and by private collectors. Examples of her designs are published in Quilting with a Modern Slant by Rachel May, Dyeing Alchemy by Diane Franklin, Art Quilts International Abstract & Geometric by Martha Sielman, and Colour a Workshop for Artists and Designers by David Hornung. Valerie began as a traditional quilter but transitioned to contemporary design through studies with Nancy Crow, David Hornung, and Carol Soderlund.
With a life-long interest in fiber, Lea McComas began sewing at age six and quilting at 16. She taught public school for almost 40 years, including nine years teaching overseas. This gave her opportunities to interact with people of many cultures, and a chance to study carpet-weaving in Turkey, and fabric dying in Japan. Returning to the states in 2001, Lea discovered art quilting. With fabric and thread as her preferred medium, she works in a style of contemporary realism to capture images from daily life, past and present. Her award-winning portrait and genre quilts have been featured in numerous publications and exhibited in juried shows nationally and internationally. She has received awards in both art quilt and fine art venues. Lea shares the knowledge and techniques behind her award-winning portrait quilts through her lectures, workshops, online classes, and in her book, Thread Painted Portraits.
Margaret Abramshe
Geneviève Attinger
Bobbi Baugh
Jette Clover
Barbara Danzi
Susan Else
Helen Geglio
Lolly Gold
Michele Hardy
Ann Harwell
Annie Hudnut
Phil Jones
Patty Kennedy-Zafred
Shelley Koss
Phillippa Lack
Susan Lapham
Niraja Lorenz
The daughter of an artist and a scientist. She began weaving as a teenager in Cambridge, MA. After high school, with a table loom and a footlocker of yarn, she explored the United States in her Volkswagen van visiting national parks and wilderness areas. Later she studied biology (BA) and psychology (PhD). Quilting became her passion in 1994. After years of creating original pieces, she began studying with world-renowned fiber artist Nancy Crow in 2007. Her work quickly evolved as she discovered that she had a unique visual voice. Lorenz has exhibited extensively throughout North America, as well as in Europe, Australia, and Asia.
Lena Meszaros
Bob Mosier
Frauke Palmer
Stephanie Shore
Juli Smith
Kathy Suprenant
Lenny van Eijk
Erick Wolfmeyer
Marian Zielinski
Gallery Hours
The gallery is also open for most performances at The Lincoln Center until immediately after intermission.